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Mike Schellinger

Mike Schellinger

Mike (aka MikeDDKing) has almost two decades of investing experience primarily in micro caps. He became a full-time private investor and trader in 2006 after his investing hobby became more profitabl
Using Emotions to Your Advantage

Using Emotions to Your Advantage

As human beings we all experience emotions. However, acting in the way that those emotions dictate can be one of the worst things an investor can do as it usually hurts returns and sometimes it hurts them significantly.

4 min read
Leveraging Luck

Leveraging Luck

Morgan Housel wrote an excellent article entitled Ironies of Luck which contains a great quote that states: “Luck is the flip side of risk.”

4 min read
Oh the Stocks You Will Buy

Oh the Stocks You Will Buy

We are entering the graduation season which of course is the time of commencement speeches. It makes me reflect on what I want my children to know about investing particularly in stocks. I have six children and all will need skills in investing to manage their finances. I imagine some

3 min read
Cash Is A Position

Cash Is A Position

One of the biggest advantages that a retail investor has over funds is that they can be in cash.

6 min read
The Three P's of Investing

The Three P's of Investing

I recently returned from a vacation in the Williamsburg, VA area. It was fascinating to see and learn about the rich history of the United States. While there, I learned some astounding information in a movie entitled “The Road to Yorktown” at the Yorktown Victory Center regarding the history leading

6 min read