The Power of Small Invisible Gestures
It's the small things you do for others that seem insignificant to most people but not to the people that matter.
It's the small things you do for others that seem insignificant to most people but not to the people that matter.
During the journey nothing seems to make sense because you are living through it in the present. It’s only when you stop and look back when it all makes sense.
Becoming a full-time private investor is the pinnacle of financial achievement. Why? You don’t need the help of others for anything. You don’t need a boss. You don’t need clients. You don’t need customers. You don’t need their money. You have your own.
We are all being chased by something. That thing is put there for a reason. You weren’t put on this Earth to be average.
The first step to becoming a full time investor is realizing money is about freedom not consumption.
There are two people in all of us. The person you are and the person you ought to be. It’s your job to make sure they meet.
Getting Started is hard work. Warren Buffett’s right hand man, Charlie Munger is quoted, “The first $100,000 is a bitch”.
I believe God has created us with the ability to achieve our dreams. It is up to us to dream big.
As most of our members already know, I lost my Mom a little over a month ago. It was a freak accident, one of those things that only happens “to other people”. My family and I are at peace with it. When it comes to loss it’s really up
I read a few articles a couple of weeks ago following the death of Jack Twyman. I had never heard of of him before, but after reading about his life and what he did it is a story worth sharing. In a day and age where Charles Barkley said it