From Mistake to Marketing Masterpiece
There has been much discussion on how Coca-Cola became so dominant. Could it be that it was all from a mistake?
Kevin Martelli, who is part of the MicroCapClub community, has given me permission to republish a memo he wrote 18 months ago which I thought to be very thought provoking and applicable to microcap investing.
Kevin Martelli, who is part of the MicroCapClub community, has given me permission to republish a memo he wrote 18 months ago which I thought to be very thought provoking and applicable to microcap investing. Enjoy.
The following pages are a collection of interesting facts and considerations on various topics related to entrepreneurship, start-ups and innovation. I have tried to summarize this in 20 pages after reading a significant amount of material on these fascinating subjects. There are probably no original thoughts in this memo, nevertheless some of the considerations provided may sound a bit provocative, but this was done to stimulate the reader’s thinking about these interesting topics (and to keep the memo short).
Overall I think studying how great entrepreneurs operate and how top venture capitalists select their investments is useful to become a better investor also in mature businesses (after all every mature business has once been a start-up and many of its traits and characteristics were set at the beginning).
Finally according to Ray Kurzweil’s Law of Accelerating Returns of human history, the amount of technological changes that occurred between 1750 and 2015, will probably take place in the next 20 years or so (since progress occurs at an ever faster rate in more advanced societies)1. This implies that technological innovation will become increasingly important for investors, regardless of their investment approach.
Key questions I have been trying to address:
Selected books that have inspired the considerations contained in the following pages:
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There has been much discussion on how Coca-Cola became so dominant. Could it be that it was all from a mistake?
In 2000, Intuitive surgical raised $46 million in its IPO. In 2001, ISRG hit a low of $131 million market cap, and today is a $70 billion market cap. ISRG stock has risen 9,800% since its IPO.
An alternative lesson to draw from his study is that microcaps are fine but nanocaps are the ticket to wealth; you just have to be poor enough to buy them.