Welcome to the first ever MicroCapClub Invitational where our membership is showcasing several companies we are discussing in our members forum. The government is mandating the switch to electronic health records (EHR) over the next few years, which is also propelling physician’s use of e-prescriptions. E-prescriptions are expected to
Welcome to the first ever MicroCapClub Invitational where our membership is showcasing several companies we are discussing in our members forum. The government is mandating the switch to electronic health records (EHR) over the next few years, which is also propelling physician’s use of e-prescriptions. E-prescriptions are expected to grow from 570 million in 2011 to 2 billion by 2016. So who is the microcap benefactor of this trend? Enter, OptimizeRx (OPRX) and their SampleMD e- coupon software that is currently embedded in over 300 EHR’s/e-prescribe software providers including the largest ones such as Allscripts (MDRX), NewCrop, and Dr. First. OptimizeRX gets paid $4-5 for each e-coupon distribution. The operating leverage in the business is quite extraordinary as more and more pharmaceutical companies partner with SampleMD for e-coupons. Listen to Chairman and Founder Dave Harrell and CEO David Lester as they tell the story.
Disclosure: All participants on the presentation are LONG OPRX. This presentation was recorded on January 7th. All participants were not active in the stock on January 7th. The company DID NOT compensate MicroCapClub to present.
MicroCapClub Invitational Presentation Lineup and Dates:
Presented January 3rd: Where Food Comes From (WFCF) [VIEW PRESENTATION]
January 10th: Abtech Holdings (ABHD)
January 14th: Parametric Sound Corp (PAMT)
January 21st: Noble Roman’s (NROM)
January 24th: Bridgeline Digital (BLIN)
January 29th: Vertex Energy (VTNR)
January 31st: Greystone Logistics (GLGI)
February 4th: Charles & Colvard (CTHR)
The MicroCapClub (mc2) is an exclusive microcap forum focused on microcap companies (sub $300m market cap). The MicroCapClub was created and founded by Ian Cassel as a way to share ideas and to learn from other seasoned like-minded microcap investors. Our goal at MicroCapClub.com is quality membership and quality stock ideas. If you are an experienced micro cap investor, feel free to Apply today.
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