Ian Cassel Talks Full-Time Private Investing and The Skills of Stock Picking
I was recently interviewed by Kyle Grieve on The Investor's Podcast.
I was recently interviewed by Kyle Grieve on The Investor's Podcast.
It isn’t every day you have the opportunity to listen and learn from a public company CEO that took a $1 million market cap to $2 billion with only 7% dilution.
Brian Bares and Connor Haley sat down to have a conversation with Ian Cassel at the MicroCap Leadership Summit on September 20th, 2023. The MicroCap Leadership Summit can only be attended live by the MicroCapClub Community.
Daron Evans runs a family office, PoC Capital, that focuses on microcap life science investing. In this presentation Daron gives us an overview of his strategy, process, while providing case studies on winners, losers and lessons learned.
I sat down with Bill Brewster to talk microcaps, conviction, patience, illiquidity, quality, value, and more during this hour-long conversation.
Brian Bares and Ian Cassel discuss Bares Capital Management’s ascension from microcap to largecap at the MicroCap Leadership Summit 2021.
Connor Haley and Garrett Finn from Alta Fox Capital explain their findings from researching global multi-baggers.
Michael Shearn is a fund manager, author, who explains his process of finding great leaders and companies.
I was recently on the Chain Reaction Podcast hosted by Tom Shaughnessy and presented by Delphi Digital. In this episode I talk about microcap investing, the origination of MicroCapClub, and the search for 100-baggers. I hope you enjoy it. You can listen via iTunes, Spotify, or listen on YouTube below:
Brent Beshore is the founder and CEO of Adventur.es. Adventur.es is a family of companies investing in family-held companies.
The Parnassus Funds under the leadership of Jerry Dodson have built one of the most impressive performance records in the investment business, generating superior returns over the last one, three, five, ten and twenty-five years.
Mike Schellinger and I have been full time private microcap investors for several years, and we have successfully invested through two bear markets and several market corrections.