The microcap space is filled with bad management teams, and over the years as an active investor I’ve witnessed and experienced interesting behaviors from company officers. As part of my due diligence, I visit quite a few companies and meet with their management teams 1×1. I used to
The microcap space is filled with bad management teams, and over the years as an active investor I’ve witnessed and experienced interesting behaviors from company officers. As part of my due diligence, I visit quite a few companies and meet with their management teams 1×1. I used to make it a point to stay an extra night to get the CEO-CFO to go out to dinner with me. The purpose of this dinner was to let them come out of their corporate shells a bit which would give me greater insight into the company. With some dinners, I’ve purposefully tried to grease the wheels a bit with alcohol to get them to open up to see their true character traits. Some management teams would completely restrain from alcohol and others would get ragingly drunk. I will not mention any companies or officers because some of them still exist, but here are just a few of the entertaining things I’ve witnessed at these dinners:
These are just a few stories of a books worth of experiences I’ve had meeting with microcap management teams. I’m sure you all have your own, so feel free to share them in the comments section.
Here is a post I wrote a year ago, 8 Habits Of Highly Effective MicroCap CEOs, that goes into detail on what I believe is important in microcap leaders.
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