Perritt Capital Management manages two microcap focused funds, the five star rated Perritt Ultra MicroCap Fund (PREOX) and the Perritt MicroCap Opportunities Investor Fund (PRCGX). You can listen to my interview with Perritt’s head portfolio manager Michael Corbett [HERE]. The Ultra MicroCap Fund has the smallest average market cap
Perritt Capital Management manages two microcap focused funds, the five star rated Perritt Ultra MicroCap Fund (PREOX) and the Perritt MicroCap Opportunities Investor Fund (PRCGX). You can listen to my interview with Perritt’s head portfolio manager Michael Corbett [HERE]. The Ultra MicroCap Fund has the smallest average market cap ($87m) of any fund rated by Morningstar and it was the #1 performing fund in its category in 2013 (+56%). Perritt always puts out some interesting data points covering the microcap space, and here is another one:
MicroCapClub is an exclusive forum for experienced microcap investors focused on microcap companies (sub $300m market cap). MicroCapClub was created to be a platform for experienced microcap investors to share and discuss stock ideas. Our goal at is quality membership, quality stocks, and quality content. If you are an experienced microcap investor, feel free to Apply today.
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