The Conviction that Inspires Us
The best stock ideas are hated or unknown in the beginning and loved in the end.
Alpha is generated by being a little different in a disciplined and thoughtful way.
In a past article, How Much Are You Hurting Your Returns?, I highlighted how you can use inertia analysis to pinpoint the areas where your trading activity is hurting your returns.
In this article I wanted to highlight a firm who on the surface looks like a traditional value investing firm. But when you dive below the surface you find a firm that has a very different and disciplined approach to actively creating alpha.
Alpha is generated by being a little different in a disciplined and thoughtful way.
I've been a fan of Turtle Creek Asset Management ever since a friend of mine and MicroCapClub member @Valueseeker123 brought them to my attention several years ago. I was reminded of them again after Andrew Brenton, CEO and Co-Founder, of Turtle Creek was interviewed by Clay Fink on the We Study Billionaires TIP Podcast.
Turtle Creek has $5 billion in AUM and are value investors that hold 25-30 equities. They are trying to find and buy "generationally great businesses" far below intrinsic value. They “need” facetime with management because “90% of what we do is learning from management.” The firm has been fully invested except for the DotCom bubble.
You are thinking, “this sounds like every fund pitch deck on the planet.”
Turtle Creek has compounded investor capital at 20% over the past 25 years.
You are now thinking, “Okay you got my attention. How are they different?”
That is the right question.
Where Turtle Creek differs from most value fund managers is they actively trade around their core positions. They call it Continuous Portfolio Optimization. They buy more as the price drops from intrinsic value and they sell some as the price gets closer to intrinsic value. Their activity adds alpha to a pure buy and hold strategy. Here is a great video snippet with Andrew Brenton talking about their approach:
As stock pickers, the way you invest is like a fingerprint. From a distance we might look the same, but when you zoom in we are all unique. There is no "this is the only way". In fact, your advantage is often in the areas you are different. Don’t be afraid to be unique. Be afraid if you’re not.
Here are more notes on Turtle Creek from this presentation:
Four Step Investment Process
What Principles do you apply to searching out investment opportunities for detailed study?
What kinds of information and securities are you seeking
What Kind of investor irrationalities do you consider?
What periods lead you to greater or lesser investments?
How do you define and estimate value?
How do you factor in asset values, related security transactions, industry economics, firm strategies, management behavior?
How do you, if at all, account for differences between market prices and intrinsic values? What collateral information do you examine?
How do you define and manage risk?
How do you make overall portfolio decisions and determine asset allocations?
Continuous Portfolio Optimization (CPO) is a key source of historical outperformance and risk mitigation.
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The best stock ideas are hated or unknown in the beginning and loved in the end.
There are a bunch of small stocks that will 10x over the next five years that are waiting to be found. Institutions can’t buy them. Only you can.
Stock picking is an individual sport so the winning streaks are intoxicating and the losing streaks excruciating. It's how we deal with both extremes that sets us up for long-term success.